Software Engineer.

Minimum Viable Person.

Humanity's Last Hope.

All roads lead to Rome, but if you are looking for a quality Software Engineer, all fingers point to Steve.
Julius Caesar
It was easy to measure the size of the Earth...

I don't know if math will ever be able to measure the size of Steve’s heart.
Steve's works are to the library at Monticello,

what Yo-Yo Ma is to the actual Cello…
Thomas Jefferson
It is not the strongest of a species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives.

It is the one that is 'most adaptable to change.'

...and everytime I try to trade Steve four quarters for a dollar bill, he accepts.
Charles Darwin
I thought Rome was lit.
But then I chilled with Steve.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Yet every time Steve tells that Knock Knock joke, I say, ‘Who’s there?'


'Banana, who? Steve, please. Banana who?! For the love of Science, Steve! Banana who?!'

He drives me insane.
Albert Einstein
There is no one I would rather curl up with on a rainy day.
Poor Richard only became that way because he bet against Steve.
Benjamin Franklin
The Road Less Traveled actually had a sign post.

It read, 'Creswick Way.'
Robert Frost